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Hidden origins of the languages (Europe – Asia): amazing interview with a rebel scholar
In search of the hidden origins of the languages (Europe – Asia): the video-interview with a rebel scholar about his extraordinary discoveries. The history of Europe and Near East can also be seen by different points of views.
Everything that they never told you before about the origins of the European languages (in particular Sardinian) – so called “indoeuropean”. How and why some fundamental infos aren’t widespread? What can we do to discover something beyond the “official” theories? Is it possibile to explore a path free from a culture / logic of supremacy?
Scandal, method, interpretation: three keywords suggested by Salvatore Dedola, the scholar who likes to swim against the tide. Dedola, a linguist, after his academic education and research started to find a new way to approach linguistics studies. What did he find and why is he shocked? Why is it so important to investigate about all of this matter?
An article by Nexus Edizioni about the interview with Salvatore Dedola. Click here
The full transcription of this interview is available here (English): Click here
Some moments from the interview, in the photographs taken by Cinzia Carrus: