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A new collaboration: Su Carrasegare beyond the masks
Su Carrasegare beyond the masks – an exhibition by Luca Pisci, curated and designed by Paola Steri, will open on Tuesday 20 February in Carlton, Australia. Project supported by Co.As.It, Sardinian Cultural Association of Melbourne, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Progetto Artistico “Sa Sartiglia”. The documentary “Sardegna Tempio delle Acque” starring the linguist Salvatore Dedola is part of the exhibition
Read more about the project Carrasegare beyond the masks and the genesis of the show (it):
Learn more about Sardegna Tempio delle Acque (en):
An interview with Salvatore Dedola (en):
“Su Carrasegare beyond the masks” will open to the public on Tuesday 20 February 2018 at 6:30 PM in Carlton, Australia, at the Museo Italiano, Language and Cultural Centre Co. As. It. Su Carrasegare beyond the masks features the beautiful photographs taken by Luca Pisci and it’s curated by Paola Steri; it’s been realized in collaboration with Co.As.It, Sardinian Cultural Association of Melbourne, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Progetto Artistico “Sa Sartiglia”. The exhibition also displays several specific parts from Nicola Marongiu’s and Cinzia Carrus’ documentary “Sardegna Tempio delle Acque” (English subtitles), featuring the linguist Salvatore Dedola. “Sardegna Tempio delle Acque” collects Dedola’s studies about Sardinian Carneval, toponyms, and many traditional characters related to the cult of water. These contents are also reported and described, compared to other researchers’ visions, in the meticulously designed exhibition panels.
Photographs by Luca Pisci
Curated and designed by Paola SteriExhibition: 20 February-16 March 2018
Opening: Tuesday 20 February 2018, 6.30pm
CO.AS.IT. 199 Faraday Street, Carlton
Sardinian refreshments served
Free eventRSVP for the opening event: Eventbrite or
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“Su Carrasegare” Beyond the Masks will accompany you in an exciting journey of discovery of the beliefs and rites of pre-Christian Sardinia. You will see powerful images of the archaic masks and costumes still used today during Carnival, su Carrasegare, in the villages of Barbagia. The etymological study of the origin of Sardinian words assists us recapture the long lost meanings associated with these haunting masks, costumes and rituals.Luca Pisci (1986) has always been fascinated by the mysteries of his native land, Sardinia. He is currently engaged in a major project devoted to Sardinian culture, of which this exhibition is part. (
Paola Steri is an Italian graphic designer, originally from Sardinia, who has been living in Melbourne since 2016. She has organised events for the Sardinia Region and various institutions and is the founder of the network Creativi a Melbourne (
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Museo Italiano Co.As.It. (FB page):
Museo Italiano Co.As.It’ site:
“Il Globo” article about the exhibition (English):