”Sa Sartiglia and the rain incantation”: the conference including a presentation of the artistic project
Some images from the conference “Sa Sartiglia e l’incantesimo della pioggia”, held in Oristano together with the official presentation of the artistic project “Sa Sartiglia”. “Sa Sartiglia” project, alongside the first 33-works-cycle, the installations and the documentary “Sardegna Tempio delle Acque”, also includes cycles of conferences, exhibitions, performances and other events of which the conference “Sa Sartiglia e l’incantesimo della pioggia” was the debut. In the context of this first conference, the installation composed by the works “Abba”, “ΔL”, “Maitzola” and the triptych “Equinoziu” has been displayed, synthesis of the subject “water”. Nicola Marongiu and Alfonso Canfora have given to the linguist Salvatore Dedola – as source of inspiration with his researches – the work of art dedicated to him, called “ETIMO”.
Photos: Cinzia Carrus